Mahesh Acharya
University of Mississippi 


I am an Instructional Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Mississippi. My research and teaching interests mainly encompass behavioral political science, comparative politics, international relations, foreign policy, and computational social science.

My recent research projects center on the psychological characteristics of global leaders and the insights those attributes can offer into their policy actions. To that end, I use recent advances in machine learning techniques to understand the personality of global leaders using their linguistic cues from speeches, interviews, and other forms of textual statements. 

In 2022, I was awarded the American Political Science Association's Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants which enabled me to collect new textual datasets on Indian Prime Ministers including the rare private letters

Previously, over a decade-long journalism career with BBC and other national media outlets exposed me to the practicing world of foreign policy, and diplomacy while reporting from Kathmandu, New Delhi, Beijing, and New York. 

When I am not engaging in academic work, I mostly spend time with my wife and two kids at home, on soccer fields, in swimming pools, or on an exciting trip.